Shooohh..byknye sawang kat blog aku ni..tu r,lame benor xjenguk..adehh..bese r,budak xhbis bljar lagi.hehehe
.emm..byk nk cite ni..
Emm..korg pernah dgr ttg herbalife x?if pernah,bagus n if xpernah,teruskn bace cos i wanna share sumtnx interstng here..haaa..nk buke page len dah??jap r..bace r pngalmn aku ngam produk hrbalife nim..ngeee..
Tquee.. Emm..1stly aku nk ckp y aku dh jtuh cinta ngam produk ni cos ye sgt tak mmbosankn..let say shake y tawar hebeh tu kan,if aku dah bosan minum shake je,aku ltak buah apple ckit pastu blend..perghh,.terbaik..n mcm2 lg aku leh ltak if aku dah bosan tapi y pling best,aku xpernh bosannn..
Ade org tnye aku,herbalife leh wak duit ke?ak jawb,msti r bolh!!..tapi kena rjin recruit org..n korg jgn isau cos ni produk ksihatn y dah digunakn kat 82 buah negare!!,,korg nk hesitate pe lg..hehehe.. Nk taw lg??. Hhehhe..korg kna r join hrbalife n slalu g training hrbalife..
If nak tnye pApe,blh cntct sy kat my fb: munir che ghani ea..t kite borak lame2...
Tque Allah..tque Herbalife!!,! Prog zero to hero kat PD last week dah change my mind n i'll be more poctive..
The one who does the work,gets the pay,
The more u work,teh more we pay,
The more u do like to work,the more we do like pay you
If u like more money ,do more work..
99% kegagalan dtangnye dari org yang tabiatnye suke buat alsan..
Jom!!!, Man jadda,wajadda..:))